Ingrid Masi Acupuncture

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How to naturally assist your body when you have a progesterone deficiency

Unexplained mood swings?  Irregular periods? You may have a progesterone imbalance.

Progesterone is a hormone that is vital for menstruation, pregnancy and sperm production. It is produced in the ovaries in the female body, and then by the placenta during pregnancy.   In men a small amount is produced by the adrenal glands.

One of progesterone's most important functions is to cause the endometrium to secrete special proteins during the second half of the menstrual cycle, preparing it to receive and nourish an implanted fertilized egg.  If implantation does not occur, oestrogen and progesterone levels drop, the endometrium breaks down and menstruation occurs.

If a pregnancy occurs, progesterone is produced in the placenta, and levels remain elevated throughout the pregnancy. The combination of high oestrogen and progesterone levels suppress further ovulation during pregnancy. Progesterone also encourages the growth of milk-producing glands in the breast during pregnancy.

Women with low progesterone levels can experience the following:

  • infertility

  • ectopic pregnancies, 

  • irregular periods 

  • miscarriage.  

  • mood changes including anxiety or depression.

Other progesterone related symptoms can occur simply because the ratio between progesterone and oestrogen is thrown out of balance.  This is called oestrogen dominance, and the symptoms can manifest in the following ways:

  • decreased sex drive, mood swings, and depression

  • weight gain

  • PMS, irregular menstrual cycle, heavy bleeding

  • breast tenderness, fibrocystic breasts

  • fibroids

  • gallbladder problems

Diagnosis of progesterone deficiency can be done clinically through questionnaires or by tests.  Simply keeping a menstrual diary or taking the basal body temperature throughout the month is a great tool to track hormonal fluctuations Otherwise blood tests will showt the progesterone levels as well as ratios with other hormones.

General recommendations for progesterone deficiency

Healthful food recommendations

Several different factors contribute to low progesterone and to improve levels it is vitally important to get the right nutrition.

The following foods are recommended for getting your body to produce more progesterone:

  • Seeds

  • Broccoli

  • Beans

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Cabbage

  • Kale

  • Nuts

  • Whole grains

  • Spinach

  • Oily fish

Other anti-inflammatory diets may also be suggested by your practitioner depending upon other symptoms, as well as reducing chemical load and toxins from diet by eating grass fed or organic meats as well as organic produce where possible.


Herbs are very beneficial and can help shift hormones in a natural, positive way.  The following can be used for low progesterone:

  • Chaste tree (or vitex agnus-castus)

  • Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 

These are more centrally acting, meaning they work on other endocrine glands as well.  

Other herbs used to increase progesterone relative to oestrogen are:

  • Wild Yam (disoscorea villosa)

  • Tribulus (tribulus terrestris)

There can be secondary or contributing causes to progesterone deficiency such as

  • stress, 

  • too much oestrogen

  • viruses

  • inflammation

  • gut issues and food intolerances.

These can also be addressed with herb and supplements such as magnesium, vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil as well as other herbal prescriptions from your practitioner.

Other Practices

Many of the ancient cultures, including Chinese medicine would always look at the vitality, energy or Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) of the patient.    If your overall Qi is low there are many things you can do to bring balance to your body and therefore begin to improve your qi.

The practice of acupuncture can improve overall energy and remove blockages to the reproductive organs and glands and so is highly recommended to bring harmony to someone with hormonal imbalances.

Many mind-body practices are very useful especially if practiced daily such as yoga, Tai Chi and Qi gong.  Meditation and mindfulness practices are particularly useful when stress is a major contributing factor to your hormone levels.

Remember, have patience.  You didn’t get to this position overnight, and these practices, along with herbs and the right nutrition take time.  However like a seed that is planted and is fed the right nourishment, your body will spring forth back to good health with the proper tending.