Bookings close soon for Tai Chi!

Tai Chi Classes held at Oak Flats Neighborhood Centre
- Tuesdays at 7pm 4th February
- Wednesdays at 11am 5th February
10 week term - $190

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I’m Ingrid

I’ve been working with many people from varied walks of life for the last twenty years with natural therapies, primarily Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am a degree qualifed practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (AHPRA) and have further qualifications in herbal medicine, nutrition & massage.

My focus is using acupuncture to treat female hormonal imbalances - such as PCOS, heavy cycles, infertility and menopause.

Book in for a free focus call or consult today!

Acupuncture is designed to affect the distribution of yin and yang in the channels or meridians

so that the qi or energy will be enabled to flow freely and harmoniously, thus restoring health.

Not sure if Traditional Chinese Medicine is right for you?

Please e-mail your queries here……..