Acupuncture VS Dry Needling

Did you know that dry needling is unregulated? This means there is ABSOLUTELY NO INFECTION CONTROL guidelines or procedures that have to be followed in order for someone to penetrate your skin with a needle. An unregulated industry is bad news for all of us.

Did you know that ALL acupuncturists in Australia are required to be degree qualified (4 year Bachelor degree) and registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA).   Strict infection control standards apply and practitioners must adhere to their continuing education policy and insurance requirements.

Dry needling can be performed by anyone - this is anyone AT ALL. Dry needling is not regulated nor requires any sort of registration in Australia. You many not be covered by insurance by someone who performs dry needling and you may be ‘treated’ by someone who has absolutely NO training.


Veggo Stir Fry (noodles optional)


Quick Recovery Soup...(Vegan)