Hair loss in women…is it your iron levels?

The Link Between Iron Deficiency and Women's Hair Loss
Hair loss can be a distressing experience for anyone, but it is particularly disconcerting for women. While there are several factors that can contribute to hair loss in women, one significant link is often overlooked – iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency, also known as anemia, is a common condition that occurs when the body lacks an adequate amount of iron to produce sufficient red blood cells. This can result in a range of health problems, including fatigue, weakness, and even hair loss.

Iron plays an essential role in transporting oxygen to different parts of the body, including the hair follicles. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, the hair follicles become weakened and less able to support healthy hair growth. As a result, women who suffer from iron deficiency may experience excessive shedding or thinning of their hair.

Research has shown that women are already more prone to iron deficiency compared to men due to monthly menstrual bleeding. The blood loss during menstruation can deplete iron stores in the body over time. Additionally, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may experience further depletion of iron levels, increasing their risk of hair loss.

Identifying iron deficiency as the underlying cause of hair loss can be challenging as it presents with a variety of symptoms. Many women may overlook the signs, attributing their fatigue or hair loss to stress or lack of sleep. However, seeking medical advice and undergoing blood tests can help diagnose iron deficiency and initiate appropriate treatment. There are other reasons you would continue further investigation and seek help to do so. For example heavy periods can generally be improved using herbal treatment therefore minimising further depletion of precious iron stores.

Treating iron deficiency-related hair loss involves both replenishing iron stores and supporting healthy hair growth. Iron supplements prescribed by a healthcare professional are typically recommended to replenish iron levels in the body. While these supplements are crucial for addressing the root cause of the hair loss, it's important to note that the regrowth of hair may take time and patience.

Additionally, incorporating iron-rich foods such as lean meats, legumes and dark green vegetables into the diet can help combat the deficiency.

Women experiencing hair loss due to iron deficiency should also consider adopting a healthy lifestyle.

They are:

  • regular exercise,

  • stress management techniques

  • balanced diet including iron rich foods.

Additionally, avoiding excessive heat styling, harsh chemicals, and tight hairstyles can help minimize further damage to the hair.
FInally recognizing the signs, seeing a naturopathic practitioner and adopting a multi-faceted approach to address iron deficiency can help to contribute to overall well-being and support healthy hair growth.


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