Fertility Testing

How to determine your fertility baselines….

There are many reasons why a woman may struggle to conceive including a blockage in the fallopian tubes, lack of ovulation, or lifestyle issues such as high stress.

Fertility tests assess whether your hormones are in the correct balance to achieve a pregnancy.

The following are typical tests needed to determine hormonal baselines.

*Day 3 Hormone Testing

*Day 21 Hormone Testing

*AMH (Ovarian Reserve) Testing

It is often best to speak to your healthcare practitioner to determine if these are all that you need OR if you need extras, such as -

  • pelvic ultrasounds

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

  • extra blood tests.

You can work with your doctor to do these tests or get them separately at your cost. Common personalised tests may include extra hormone testing suggested by your doctor, like testosterone levels.

Your practitioner is trained to interpret pathology and can offer natural and sensible alternatives in order to improve fertility outcomes.

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